-Life Lesson-

Aurellia, on Her Process of Writing

And being true to herself. Growing up, I learned that Auru and writing are inseparable. I love writing ever since I was a kid. I fall in love with the process of expressing my sensitive nature with words, and how I put myself naked in a piece of paper -or in a white screen- I […]

-Loving and Caring-

It’s Okay

I always make an internal monologue with myself whenever I start to feel negative.p.s. I recommend you write it down so that you can look at it with the 3rd point of view. “How do you feel?”I feel insecure, I’m disappointed, I feel this and that.. “Why do you feel this way?”Because xxxxx… “I see.. […]

-Loving and Caring-

Stories Worth to Share

It took me years of being stuck in the total darkness to reach this level of self love & acceptance but the struggle is 1000% worth it. And I believe everyone has stories worth to share, it would definitely help yourself, it may help somebody, and it may bring light to the world. I believe […]


How journaling changed me

It’s been 16 days since I decided to write in a journal every single day. Well, I’m personally not a “new player” in the journaling world, I’ve been writing diaries since elementary school. But most of the time, I didn’t do it daily. 16 days ago, I decided to write everyday with as simple form […]

-Life Lesson-

Sometimes, It’s Okay for Not Doing Anything

I’ve been learning to be gentler with my soul, by not forcing myself to be productive all the time. As for me, the past few years was really something. I learned to get out of my comfort zone. I really wanted to develop myself and improve every aspect of my life, be it personality, grades, […]

-Life Lesson-

The First Person I need to Apologize

Eid is over but this is still pretty relevant. My healing process update, and what I learned:I still get lots of mental breakdowns, my journey towards well-being hasn’t finished yet. Well, to be specific, I still have a really long way to go. But something that helps me so much during this process is self-acceptance […]

-Life Lesson-


Sometimes, It’s not easy to show what we truly like especially when it’s not something that the majority of people like. Sometimes, it’s not easy to do what sparks joy to us even when it harms nobody. And it’s even harder to speak up our unpopular opinion towards some issues. It wasn’t (or it isn’t) easy […]


A Secret Love Letter

Dear X, we had never talked for so long, and I’m grateful that we get closer as the way we used to be. You’re still that clumsy girl with a lot of things on your mind, but at the same time, you’re stable as ever. Well to be really honest I was kinda shocked with […]

-Life Lesson-

About Imperfections

I’m not perfect, and neither does anyone. So that’s okay. Currently, I’ve been learning how to differentiate between justifying and accepting how I really feel. I am learning to realize that not everything I feel is right, but it doesn’t mean they’re not valid. Denying my imperfections won’t drive me anywhere. I, if really want […]

-Life Lesson-

About Scars

I once look at my arm/legs and realize how vivid my scars are. Well, unpopular opinion: I don’t hate them (kinda), even though people find it ugly and disgusting. I feel like any of our scars are proof that we’d been going through hell, through something dangerous, maybe through life-threatening experience, and we still survived! […]